About us
In 2005 two language teachers founded this language school. At that time they called it "Context Nederlands". Why that name? First, they wanted to teach language in context. They were no longer satisfied with force-feeding their students generic vocabulary and grammar; they wanted to engage them with practical language they could use in their everyday lives. And second, they thought that Dutch was all their school would ever offer.

They were wrong about the second part. A year later, they had to change the name of their school to "OpenContext" to reflect an expanded language offering, including English and French.

OpenContext quickly scored a victory when it was picked up by BGDA/ORBEM (now Actiris) for their burgeoning language voucher program. The influx of new students - as well as the requirements imposed by BGDA/ORBEM - turned OpenContext into something it had never been before: a well-oiled machine. The school devoted time and resources to refining its internal procedures and developing quality criteria.

Since 2005, OpenContext has also partnered with several other organizations that offer vocational training programs. OpenContext's role has been to provide contextualized language instruction to trainees in the following professions: Electrician, Administrative Assistant, Kitchen Worker, Waiter, Sports Coach, Event Assistant, Accounting Assistant, Computer Repair Technician, Network Administrator, Web Developer, Web Application Developer, Webmaster, Help Desk Agent, Commercial Assistant, Import/Export Assistant, Multimedia Salesperson, Game Developer, Salesperson, Nurse, Receptionist, Shop Clerk, Domestic Worker.

Meanwhile, Actiris has continued to renew its partnership with OpenContext. Since 2016, OpenContext has been providing one-on-one classes for beneficiaries of language vouchers Matching and since 2020 also group classes for beneficiaries of language vouchers Transition Vers l’Emploi.

In March 2022, OpenContext moved into the Grand Hospice, a listed building with two courtyards in the heart of Brussels.

In January 2023, a successor was created, and by the end of 2024, nearly all of OpenContext's customers had migrated to NextContext.